[Prev|Next|Index] 2/22/96, vngolveo@uci.edu,Irvine, CA USA [Image] Freedom of Expression on the Internet By Vince Golveo, http://art.fin.uci.edu/individuals/vince/vince.htm, vngolveo@uci.edu. Freedom for me is the opportunity to meet and exhange my dreams, visions, desires with like-minded individuals. Freedom allows one to have a sense of community even if the community may be between two people typing messages over telecommunication wires. This impulse to create a bond, a sense of community, is what I think "freedom of expression" is all about. The internet has grown and has become such a rich part of our culture because it has always been open to freedom of expression. Unlike any other social space, the internet allows for even the smallest communities (e.g. newsgroup fans of Hong Kong popstars, Filipinos in Africa, Gay and Lesbian Teenagers, etc.) to create virtual public spaces for friendship, discussions, community. I'd like to know that if some day I lose a leg, develop a penchant for cross-dressing, need advice from other parents on changing a baby's diaper, whatever, that there is a highly accessible and content-rich space where I can conveniently access and meet others like me without feeling threatened. I also like knowing that there is a place that is safe for dreamers and visionaries to offer their insights, however odd or offensive they might be, because unchecked and sublimated desires are I think more threatening to society than those that are made visible in public spaces like the internet. As a multimedia professional, a university graduate student, and a community volunteer, I use the internet frequently for gathering information and resources for my work and education. That the content of the internet is so rich, vast, and far-ranging is its greatest asset; it would be a pity to prematurely limit the internet's information explosion from reaching its potential. Before the sudden conservative fear, loathing and attention focused on the internet, which has led to the recent revision of the Telecommuications Act, I really believed that the internet had the potential for establishing freedom of expression as a functional social reality and not just a pipe dream of America's forefathers. Thanks for taking time to read. Vince [link to 24 hours of Democracy] GO TO 24 HOURS PROJECT OR BACK TO VINCE'S HOMEPAGE